Block Devices 

-One of the simplest ways to resolve this issue is by simply blocking the unknown device/devices that users see on their network. 

-By blocking the foreign device/devices, users will ensure that these devices are not communicating with their network until the users have ensured that the said device is not threatening. 

Increasing The Network’s Security Level 

-Users are advised to immediately up the security of their network if they witness the presence of an unrecognized device in their network.

-Users can easily increase their networks’ security by upgrading their antivirus software and running a security scan on their devices to ensure that there are no viruses within the device. 

-To further ensure their networks’ security, users can use the below-mentioned tips:

2.1) Users should use strong passwords and update them whenever necessary. 

2.2) Users should enable all the current and required updates. 

2.3) Remote Administration should be turned off at all times. 

2.4) Customers are advised to change the default name of their routers’ SSID. 

2.5) Customers should go for WPA3 instead of WEP and WPA2. 

Protocols Used by Gateway 

-Arris users should know that Arris routers use a special protocol that equips them with security and efficiency. Furthermore, these special protocols have a code that can help users to identify the devices and ensure that there are no unidentified devices connected to the users’ network. 

-To ensure the absence of an unwanted device on their network, users can match the MAC address of their router to the MAC address of the device that is connected to their network.

-If the two MAC addresses match, then users have nothing to worry about. But if these two codes don’t match then users should be concerned. These two MAC addresses not matching strongly indicate that some unrecognized devices are connected to the users’ network. Users are advised to immediately block and remove them to avoid any harm.

Contacting The Internet Service Provider 

-If all the above-mentioned solutions fail to solve the issue, users can contact their internet service provider as a last resort. 

-On some occasions, internet service providers are using a shared Wi-Fi hotspot SSID at the users’ location for their clients, with authentication that is managed by the users’ ISP. 

-To ensure that no intruders are lurking on their network, users should contact the support team and provide them with every information that they require.  

Conclusion on Arris Group on My Network

In conclusion, if customers witness the text ‘’Arris Group’’ on their network, it is generally not an issue to worry about. By following the above-mentioned tips, users can root out this issue without much trouble. 

Question1) How can a user view the exact devices connected to their Arris router?

Answer) Users can see the exact number of devices connected to their Arris router is by following the below-mentioned steps:

Users will have to navigate to the Arris home screen. From there, users will have to select the device icon. This icon is available in the status section.  Here, users will see the network map screen along with the list of all the devices that are currently connected to their Arris network.  

Question2) What is the Modem & Wi-Fi router?

Answer) A Modem and Wi-Fi router is a two-in-one device that combines a Modem with a Wi-Fi router. A Modem is a device that helps in delivering internet access, whereas a Wi-Fi router allows sharing of an internet connection and network amongst multiple devices. By using this device, users can save their money (instead of buying two different devices, users can use one device that performs both functions), energy, time, and space. 

Question3) How can users control devices that are connected to their Arris network?

Answer) Users can remove and block devices from their network by following the below-mentioned steps:

3.1) Users will have to open a web browser of their choice and log in 

3.2) From here, users will have to to move forward 

3.3) Now users will now have to put in their login and password details (here users will have to enter the default username and password that they were provided from the company itself) 

3.4) Once users are logged in, they have to select security > Access control. This can be found in the drop-down menu that appears after users have selected the Advanced option. 

3.5) Now, users must turn on the active control system.

3.6) Here, users can make any changes that they wish in order to make secure their network even further. Now users can remove any unrecognized/unwanted device from their Arris network that may pose a threat to them.