So many mouth-watering items on the menu at fast-food restaurants, but not everything is going to sit well with your health. Living gluten-free on a fast-food menu involves a lot of pickiness, down to what you drink even.

Yes, basically all milkshake flavors in McDonald’s fast-food restaurants are gluten-free. Most especially the standard McDonald’s chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, Shamrock, and banana Shake flavors, consider them free of ingredients containing gluten.

Below, we will explore more on gluten-free milkshakes and the menu at McDonald’s.

What Makes McDonald’s Milkshakes Gluten-free?

Since we already told you that McDonald’s milkshakes are gluten-free, you will probably be of.

All McDonald’s milkshakes are gluten-free for the simple reason that they are made of the same ingredients, except for those responsible for the variety in their flavors. McDonald’s Shakes contains a combination of 3 ingredients

Vanilla reduced fat ice creamShake syrup (depending on the flavor)and Whipped cream as a topping.

Unlike what you would expect for milkshakes, there is no milk on the list of ingredients, regardless of whatever flavor it is. The creamy nature comes from the milk that is a major ingredient of the ice cream used. Little wonder milkshakes are referred to as just Shakes at McDonald’s.

McDonald’s Soft Serve Ice Cream

Soft serve ice cream is the major ingredient for McDonald’s Shakes and over 60% of their desserts. McDonald’s menu overhaul makes it free from artificial preservatives and flavoring, so be rest assured it is gluten-free.

Unless you are lactose intolerant, McDonald’s Soft Serve Ice cream is okay for you served in a cup, or as the base ingredient of your milkshake.

Gluten-free, Still Bad for You

Good thing you now know Milkshakes playing upon your taste buds at any McDonald’s fast-food restaurants isn’t one of the things on your gluten harm list. While that is the case, you should know it’s not all the way on the healthy side.

Milkshakes are high-fat meals and according to studies, a single intake can lead to changes in your blood vessels and affect blood flow. High fat and calories make the red blood cells spiky instead of smooth, hence reducing blood flow.

Keep your milkshake consumption level in check and not a daily diet.

Other Gluten-Free Meals aside from Milkshakes at McDonald’s

Aside from milkshakes, there are other gluten-free items on the menu. There are gluten-free French Fries, Hash Browns; Fruit Bags; Carrot Sticks, and Shaker Side Salad as well as some McFlurry desserts. So one can sit down and enjoy a meal just like everyone else.

To be on the safer side, you can use McDonald’s online nutritional calculator tool to check the full ingredients of the menu items. Or read through the Allergen Booklet.


McDonald’s does not offer any separate gluten-free menu, but they do have gluten-free picks on the menu. Overall, Shakes are not so healthy, so even if McDonald’s milkshakes are considered gluten-free and good for you, you still have to limit what you take. Being gluten intolerant is not a fast-food abstinence sentence, but a sign to be more careful about what you eat. There is more to fast foods than just desserts and drinks. So go out, and skim the menu with extra care.

1) Are shakes gluten-free?

Generally, based on the ingredients, shakes are considered gluten-free. But, there are a lot of varieties out there, so not all Shakes are gluten-free. There are some factors in play here, first the Shake ingredients and secondly, the possibility of cross-contamination.

Considering the ingredients, Shakes are, Ice cream, milk, sugar, and whipped cream. The main gluten lookout here is the ice cream. Some ice cream manufacturers add some extra ingredients like wheat to thicken and smoothen it. There also is a high possibility of gluten cross-contamination, from bowls, utensils, other desserts, you name them. So a gluten-free Shake can end up being contaminated.

The bottom line, shakes can be gluten-free and can also not be gluten-free. It all narrows down to what the base ice cream is composed of, and what kind of flavoring is used. So keep an eye for ice cream brands and try to read labels on what you buy. If it is not certified gluten-free, then ask to be sure.

2) Is McDonald’s Mcflurry gluten-free?

Just some of McDonald’s McFlurry desserts such as the Crunchie McFlurry and Dairy Milk McFlurry are gluten-free.

McDonald’s uses its soft-serve ice cream as the main ingredient for the majority of its desserts, including the McFlurry. While McDonald’s soft serve reduced fat ice cream is gluten-free, the toppings for McFlurry desserts are the deal-breaker and are not all free of gluten. McFlurries having M&M’s, cookie crumbs, and other candies as toppings should be avoided if you are on a gluten-free diet.

3) Are McDonald’s Shakes Lactose-Free?

McDonald’s Milkshakes, even though they are simply called “Shakes” are not free from lactose. The soft serve reduced fat vanilla ice cream used in making McDonald’s Shakes contains milk. So even if milk is not part of the Shake ingredients, the ice cream is.